Cookie Policy


Delizie Pugliesi sas takes the user's privacy seriously and is committed to respecting it. Delizie Pugliesi sas may process the user's personal data when the user visits the Site and uses the services and features present on the same. In the sections of the Site where the user's personal data are collected, a specific information notice is normally published pursuant to art. 13-14 of Regulation 2016/679.

Where required by Regulation 2016/679, the user's consent will be requested before proceeding with the processing of his/her personal data. If the user provides personal data of third parties, he/she must ensure that the communication of the data to Delizie Pugliesi sas and the subsequent processing for the purposes specified in the applicable privacy policy complies with Regulation 2016/679 and applicable legislation.

Type of data processed

Visiting and consulting the Site does not generally involve the collection and processing of the user's personal data except for navigation data and cookies as specified below. In addition to the so-called "navigation data", personal data voluntarily provided by the user may be processed when the user interacts with the Site's functions or requests to use the services offered on the Site. In compliance with the Privacy Code, Delizie Pugliesi sas

Cookies and browsing data

The Delizie Pugliesi sas website collects information that may concern the user, his/her preferences, or the device used to access the Internet (computer, tablet or mobile phone); these are mainly used to adapt the functioning of the website to the user's expectations, offering a better browsing experience. Furthermore, by continuing to browse, the user automatically consents to the use of cookies in accordance with this "Cookies policy" information. Below you can find more information on the various types of cookies used.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, we use the following categories of cookies for our website and other online services:

  1. Essential cookies
    These cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of our website and to use and/or improve the various functions and/or services requested. Without these cookies it would not be possible to manage and automate, for example, user authentication, access to the reserved area of ​​the website.
  2. Analysis cookies
    These cookies allow us to improve our website by monitoring and analyzing user behavior, creating profiles of users in order to make improvements and facilitate navigation. For example, analysis cookies can help us keep track of which pages are frequently visited, what are the user's preferences, which pages have already been viewed to avoid them being repeated, if and what difficulties the user encounters in using the site. In order to analyze the methods of use of websites, the Delizie Pugliesi sas Company also uses the web analysis service (Google Analytics) and Google Maps to indicate the location of the headquarters. Further information on the aforementioned service: A. the information on the use of cookies by Google available at the addresses:;; This data does not allow the user to be personally identified: all data collected is aggregated and, as such, anonymous.
  3. Third party cookies and Social media cookies
    Our website may allow the use of third-party cookies that may collect information about the user's movements on the Internet and, in particular, within our website. In addition, some pages on our website are characterized by the presence of the so-called "social plug-ins", which allow you to share our content on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google. Third-party cookies are not under our control and, therefore, for further information on how the third party uses cookies, we recommend visiting the third party's website, the web addresses of which are listed below where the various information and management methods for third-party cookies are present:
1. Cookies 1. Typology 1. Purpose 1. Privacy policy
1. Necessary
1.random 1.Session cookies 1. Necessary for the platform 1.N/A
1.cb-enabled 1.Technical 1. Technical cookie used to request the user's consent to the use of cookies via the information banner. 1.N/A
1. Third party
1._ga 1.Technical 1.Required by the third-party service Google Analytics. Persistent cookie used to distinguish users. 1. 1.Marketing 1.Encrypt Facebook ID and Browser ID 1.
1.lang 1.Marketing 1.Twitter Feed Language 1.
1.wh 1.Marketing 1.Widget-cookie 1.

Opt out of cookies

At any time, the user can refuse to accept all or some of the cookies used on this website in the following ways.

Any choice by the user to disable the use of our cookies will prevent the subsequent storage of further cookies by us, while the cookies previously installed on the user's device will continue to be used on the user's device. If the user wishes to delete all cookies present on his device, he can do so simply by selecting, on his browser, the settings that allow him to refuse them.

Each browser has specific configuration instructions. Further information regarding the procedures to follow to disable cookies can be found on the website of the browser provider:

Without prejudice to the above, it is noted that by disabling cookies it will still be possible to use some parts of our websites, but some services may not be usable. The data collected through cookies will be stored according to their nature: session cookies expire when the user closes the browser; persistent cookies and, unless there are specific exceptions, "survive" the closing of the browser and are also available in subsequent visits by the user. Their duration is set by the server at the time of their creation. In some cases, an expiry date is set, in other cases the duration is unlimited.

Such data will be processed exclusively for the purposes stated above and may be communicated to third parties.

In compliance with the minimum security measures, your data may also be communicated to public security entities and other public and private entities for the fulfillment of obligations provided by law, including fiscal, administrative, financial and similar. Under no circumstances will the data be disseminated.

In compliance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, the data will not be stored for periods longer than those necessary for the achievement of the purposes indicated above and, therefore, for the service offered or for the specific provisions of law.